Monday 26 September 2011

Statement of Intent/ Rationale/ Briefs


Paul Brandreth

Dissertation Title

How do adverts persuade people into buying things they don’t necessarily need, through the promise of a more fulfilled life?

Dissertation Tutor

Joanna Rucklidge


I will be exploring a research-based investigation into branding & identity with a focus on 2d formats and the distribution.


Statement of Intent

From last years work I feel that the work I was producing near the end of the year was my strongest and the most enjoyable. Over summer I re-evaluated my work to decide what direction I want to take my work within the third year. The work that I most enjoyed was branding and experimenting with how traditional printed material can be adapted to new technology formats such as tablets and mobile devices. As these new formats have only been out for a few years I think that there is a lot of creative opportunities to design for, which makes me as a designer really excited to learn more about and challenge how creative I can be with the new resources.

I want to base my third year on editorial, information graphics and branding design but where possible exploring the opportunities of new technology mediums, but baring in mind I am a designer. The subjects I want to work with include articles with the news, Social culture, music and unique subjects that I find interesting. The subjects listed are areas that I find interesting and can fit into editorial, information graphics and branding design.

My final years work will be research driven, un-picking briefs to find opportunities to design for but also conceptually answer the brief to suit the company/brief and help them progress whether its in sales or promoting products.

I want to concentrate on branding and identity, the approach for the design will be driven through the use of typography or collaborating with young professionals from other courses depending on the brief set.

I will focus on 2d formats whether its print or screen based, which again will depend on the brief I am answering. At the end of my third year I want my portfolio to contain print based work but also to show the awareness of design for new digital formats such as smart phones and tablets. The reason for not producing work for 3d formats is because from past experiences my final resolutions looked scruffy and unprofessional. If I collaborated with someone who could mock up the resolutions to a high standard I would probably aim to produce work for the promotion and brand identity.

Brief 1 – Robert Bowring, Family Butchers

Rebrand a local family butchers, Robert Bowring. The reason for choosing this brief is for the opportunity to produce work for a large range of products and produce work based around my umbrella statement.

Brief 2 – D&ad Brief TBA

I think one of the briefs from D&AD will be ideal for the opportunity to un-pick the brief and find a research driven investigation to a resolution to answering the brief.

Brief 3 – Telegraph magazine

Produce an editorial layout and a identity for a range of 12 page pull-outs to be used in the Telegraph based upon drinks from different continents. The reason for choosing this brief is because I would like to produce an identity and interested in editorial layout design.

Brief 4 – Leeds City Council, Street knowledge

Create a solution to help visitors to Leeds get the best out of their time whilst in Leeds. I have choosen this brief because I feel that the creative side and opportunities can create an interesting, original resolution.

Additional Briefs


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